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Connect Appointedd and Zapier

Use Zapier to connect Appointedd with 5,000+ apps, so you can automate workflows, enable exchange of data and information between systems and move forward, faster.

Thousands of popular integrations at your fingertips

Zapier offers a user-friendly interface to connect various apps, either by using existing workflow templates or by creating completely unique information flows. Whether you’re techy or not, you can easily set up and use Zapier to connect with other tools.

Using Zapier and Appointedd, you can automate almost every part of your online booking process. The integrations that are possible via Zapier empower you to connect Appointedd with any other popular software you use. You can read our support guide on Zapier to integrate your Appointedd account today.

About Zapier

Zapier empowers you to automate your work across 5,000+ apps—so you can move forward, faster. Create automated workflows that do more than just one thing—up to 100 steps, to be specific.

Unlock potential with Appointedd and Zapier

With the Zapier integration you can move customer and booking information from Appointedd into other systems of their choice. Each connection and use case signifies an automation that can be made by connecting Appointedd with one of the thousands of integrations Zapier offers. Some examples of popular use cases include (but are not limited to):

Gather CRM information during a booking flow

The customer information gathered in Appointedd’s booking tool can be shared with a dedicated CRM system, where it connects that information to specific customer records in tools like Salesforce or Hubspot.

Record marketing consent and communication details in booking flows

The consent agreed in the booking flow can be sent to a marketing system, enabling you to send out compliant marketing communications via tools like Mailchimp or Hubspot.

Gather booking data into an analytics software

Your Appointedd data can be shared to a tool like Google Analytics, where you can analyse/add to your existing dashboards.

Streamline and automate invoicing

Your Appointedd system can be connected to a tool like Xero or Quickbooks to automate your invoicing via the accounting software.

Manage recruitment efficiently

The personal information gathered in your Appointedd booking can be shared to track in an HR/recruitment software, such as Breezy.



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