Meet Ioana, the driving force behind Appointedd’s successful B Corp™ certification. With a keen interest in carbon literacy and a passion for sustainability, Ioana led the charge in aligning our business with the rigorous standards required to become a Certified B Corporation®. In her blog, Ioana shares her personal journey of guiding our company through the B Corp process.

Through her story, you’ll discover three key lessons:

1. The B Corp certification process, though detailed, isn’t as daunting as it may seem

2. Measurable impact is crucial for driving meaningful change

3. Becoming a B Corp is just the beginning—it’s an ongoing commitment to improving our business for the good of the community, the planet, and beyond

Back in March 2023, I was sitting in a university classroom, learning about carbon emissions and the power of individual vs. collective action. A month later, I completed the course with a Carbon Literacy certificate in hand, better informed about terms like “net zero” and “carbon dioxide equivalent.” Still, I remained sceptical about how much one person could truly do to combat the planet’s rapid environmental decline.

Six months later, I found myself leading Appointedd’s efforts to become a certified B Corporation. ‘The universe has a funny way of doing things,’ I thought, slightly daunted by the challenge ahead and unsure of the impact this project would have. Yet, the 10 months that followed gave me hope and empowerment. At Appointedd we are really proud of our efforts towards greater sustainability, inclusivity and accountability and certifying as a B Corp was a natural next step in our journey of continuous improvement.

The journey toward B Corp certification taught me that I’m excited to share three lessons I learned along the way, but first, let’s explore what being a B Corp means.

What is a B Corp?

A Certified B Corporation is a business that “meets high standards of verified social and environmental performance, has public transparency, and legal accountability to balance profit and purpose.” The “B” stands for “benefit,” meaning B Corps work for the benefit of their stakeholders, community, and the planet.

What did the application process look like?

At the start, the whole process felt overwhelming. I dove into learning mode, absorbing everything I could about B Corp. I researched the B Lab movement, completed their “Introduction to the B Corp Movement” course, and took extensive notes on the certification process. The more I learned, the clearer the benefits became—B Corp certification would allow us to reevaluate our business, gain recognition for our social and environmental performance, and align more closely with the broader goals of sustainability. Most importantly, it would bring greater transparency and accountability to our operations.

With this in mind, we began the B Impact Assessment.

What’s the B Impact Assessment?

The B Impact Assessment is the first step in becoming a B Corp. Initially, the nearly 150 questions across five key areas—Governance, Workers, Community, Environment, and Customers—seemed daunting. It required input from our entire team, particularly Operations and Executives. We had to dig into our policies on sustainability, employee welfare, and community engagement, which helped us identify both strengths and areas for improvement. Throughout the process, we could see our scores and how we compared to other companies in our industry.

In addition to the main assessment, we also completed a Disclosure Questionnaire, providing information about any potentially controversial industry connections. Most importantly, we amended our Articles of Association to reflect B Corp requirements, committing to using our business as a force for good.

After passing the 80-point threshold and a successful review, we had various verification meetings with a B Corp analyst. Ten months later, we were certified.

Lesson 1: The B Impact Assessment is not as daunting as it seems

While the B Corp certification process is rigorous, it wasn’t as intimidating as it first appeared. The assessment encouraged us to streamline our documentation and identify ways to improve our processes, all while staying true to our values. The B Lab UK team also provided valuable support through courses and webinars.

If you’re considering applying for B Corp certification, especially as an SME, I highly recommend exploring your local B Lab website. It has everything you need to get started.

Lesson 2: The importance of measurable impact

Throughout the process, I realized how essential it is to have measurable impact and clear targets to back it up. For example, in the area of environmental responsibility, we began by drafting policies and communicating them to the team. Then, we measured our carbon emissions and explored ways to reduce them across the company. This inspired us to integrate sustainability into our company’s Foundations and work with climate consultants on a plan to become a Net Zero organization by 2045.

This more transparent and accountable approach energized us and solidified our business principles, many of which were already in place, but it’s great to have these clearly called out.

Lesson 3: It’s a work in progress

Once the excitement of certification settled, I realized that the 10 months of work were just the beginning. The B Impact Assessment and verification process gave us a framework to reflect on what we do and how we do it. Over the next three years, we’ll work to improve further and connect more deeply with our stakeholders, community, and the environment. We’ve already identified areas for growth, especially in sustainability and community involvement. Joining the B Hive community and connecting with other B Corps has been a great start.

As the B Corp Coordinator, I’m excited to keep driving our efforts and finding new ways for Appointedd to be a force for good.

Final Thoughts

B Corp certification has taught me the importance of taking action—big and small—beyond just setting targets. It’s about laying the groundwork for lasting, positive change as a business. Learn more about Appointedd’s B Corp journey here and keep an eye on our LinkedIn for further updates our continued work towards positive change.

Published on 18 August 2024