
Do you have your own Hair or Beauty business? Looking to step up your game by moving online? Well, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll show you how start taking appointments online in 3 easy steps.


Now more than ever, it’s essential to start taking appointments online. With 4 million SMEs offering services in the UK alone, competition is fierce. Customers are hungry for information that fits around their lives. They want to access your business any time of the day or night on their laptop, mobile or tablet. So it’s never been more important to ensure your Hair or Beauty business is accessible online. Your all-important information needs to be easy to find around the clock in today’s internet-focussed world.

So, how can you do this?

Step 1: Get yourself a snazzy business website

Well, first of all you need a website. This will display your name, who you are, what you do, services, opening hours and price list – all for the world to see. But, this can be pricey, we get it (and a little daunting!). That’s why we’ve come up with the perfect solution. Your very own ‘mini’ website (aka ‘Microsite’). It’s super simple to set-up and your customers can access info about you 24/7, on their mobile too. How great is that!

You can learn how to setup your Microsite here

Step 2: Set-up a Facebook Page

Facebook is a fantastic tool for spreading the word about what you have to offer and for communicating with your customers. If you haven’t got a page yet, take 10 minutes to set one up – for FREE – and start sharing away! But that’s not all. You can also add a clever tool (aka ‘Booking App’) that allows anyone to book appointments with you, right there on your Facebook page. Easy peasy.

Learn how to add one to your Facebook page here

Step 3: Let the world know you’re bookable online

So your Microsite, Facebook Page and Booking App are all live and ready to rock. So what now? Let the world know you’re ready to start taking bookings online of course! Share a post on your social media, add it to the bio of all your accounts, tell your customers next time they’re in, or even send an email from your new marketing tool on Appointedd. Once your customers can see your availability, no matter where you are or they are, it’ll feel so handy.

Find out how to market your business on social media here

So what happens when your customers book an appointment online?

They fill out a simple little form with their details and it pops straight into your online calendar via Appointedd. You can view this across the week to see how busy you are and who’s coming in and when. This can be accessed on your phone while you’re out, or at home, all you need is the internet.

Are you ready to start taking appointments online? Try our free two week trial and get setup up now, without any payment details required. Just plain and simple appointment management. Yay!

Published on 26 January 2016